Welcome to Inspired Flow
Enliven Your SpiritLet your mind wander as it connects to your body and soul.
What does it mean to BE IN FLOW?
Let your mind wander some more as it connects to your body and soul.
I am passionate about Kahuna Bodywork and how it makes you feel.
It really has the potential to bring meaning back to your life and spark the soul.
You have to experience it to understand it.
It is not just techniques and looking at the body in mechanical bits and pieces.
It is a soulful and enriching experience of flow.
The doorway to the sanctuary is within Rumi
Inspired Flow invites you to dream big, feel inspired and step into a place where you can effortlessly create new habits and new pathways to a healthy and balanced way of life.
Be more effective, productive and make a big impact on people in your world.
Try to recall that task you were involved with where you lost track of time, you lost yourself in the moment and were completely engaged in what you were doing.
Psychologists call it being in the zone. I relate to it as being in motion. I am inspired to teach because of the amazing feeling of being in motion. A space of complete relaxation, full with inspiration and energy to move all at the same time.
Book a one-on-one Mind Body session with Kara including
- Access Bars,
- Kahuna Bodywork,
- Feng Shui realignment, or
- Learn how to become an Access Bars practitioner or transformative Kahuna Bodywork therapist.
Feng Shui
Home Alignment
Stretch Yoga
Access Bars
Practitioner Classes
& Sessions
Kara Leondard
& Inspired Flow
Listen to your body
… it is smarter than you are
Kara can help you to access that place within through training in Kahuna Bodywork and awareness building through 6 levels of progression.
The training workshops and classes bring you into a mindful space. If you feel disconnected or reaching high stress or anxiety levels then connect SIMPLY with your body. Kara will help guide you to create a life with ease.
Training is endorsed by Na Pua ‘Olohe school Hawaii and accredited for CPE points and short course approval with MAA (Massage Association of Australia).
